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Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Make Extra Spending Money in time For Holiday Shopping

With the holidays just a few short months away, now is the time to try to get extra cash to spend on your friends, family and maybe even youself. You'll hear all over the news to try and NOT use your credit cards, as interest rates will kill you later. It can be so hard to decide how much to spend on people, and what you can afford without going broke doing it. So what can you do, in order to make that extra money you may need for the holidays? Follow our tips below to help you find that "hidden" cash that you can use now to make your holidays merry and bright.

1. Clean out your house - Look around your house/garage. Do you have anything you don't use anymore, doesn't fit, given as a gift but you didn't want it to begin with? Sell it on eBay. Take your item, do a search on eBay and see what similiar items are going for now. You can do a short 3 day sale, or a 7 day sale, depending on how quickly you need the cash. Take good quality digital photos of your item, and make sure your description covers everything. If your items are quite large, and too expensive to ship, offer a "pick up only" option, to lure those in your area to bid on your item. Be realistic about the price as well. If you start the bid too high, you may end up getting no bids at all. Many times a lower starting bid will start a bidding war in the end between people who have gotten the "auction itch" and now want your item regardless of the price. When I sell on eBay, I prefer buyers who either send me a money order, or PayPal only. It gives you better options in the end.

2. Organize a neighborhood yard sale - Get you and your neighbors together to have a commuinty yard sale. Advertise in the paper for either free, or cheaply, and then more people are likley to come if they see that there are multiple families participating as compared to just one. Make it worth their while. Have coffee and donuts available for the early birds. If they want to talk you down, bargain with them. Remember - you are trying to make extra cash so every little bit counts.

3. Cut out buying coffee/lunch for a month - If you like to have that $4.00 cafe latte every morning, and lunch at the local spot, try bringing it from home for a month, and see how much you can save. Put the money you would've spent that week in a jar. By the end of the month you could have anywhere between $80 - 200 dollars at the end of the month, depending on how much you were spending.

4. Offer your services - If you bake well, or are crafty, tell your friends that you'll make those school cookies, or teacher's gifts for a nominal fee. Some parents may even like it if you delivered those items as well, which you could add to your cost.

5. Look in the paper for temp jobs - if you have the time, perhaps only on the weekend, see if local stores are offering seasonal jobs that would give you extra spending money. Even better would be an employee discount, where you could use your extra cash for gitf buying.

There are many other ways for you to come up with extra spending money for the holidays. Don't let the credit card companies lure you into thinking that you can spend up to your limit. You can easily and creatively have a great holiday season without breaking the bank. Good luck to you all!

S.W. Chadwick has been working in online businesses from home since 2000. She has written dozens of articles regarding entrepreneurial pursuits and online businesses. To learn more about working from home, please visit http://www.dowhatyouloveandmakemoney.com. Copyright 2006, S.W. Chadwick, All Rights Reservedmake money online

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